Alliance's bt System brings powerful control capabilities to residential lighting. Using the app, the property owner can customize lighting effects to suit activities, moods or events.
The system uses Bluetooth mesh technology to build a reliable communication network throughout the property to carry the app commands to each fixture.
Range extenders are a MUST for every BT System to operate reliably. Always include them in your installation. They repeat and strengthen the mesh network.
Range extenders help overcome common losses of signal strength from physical obstructions (buildings, fences, etc.), intermittent interference (static, noise, magnetic fields, etc.), weather and more.
Installing range extenders ensures your whole installation operates reliably. For convenience, three different range extender models are offered to accommodate different places in the landscape.
Tips for Installing Range Extenders
- Triangulate bt range extenders so that each has a line of sight to at least 2 other range extenders.
- Signal strength is aided by elevation. Always install higher, where possible. With ground-stake models use a RISER.
- Each bt fixture has an antenna. Leave these exposed. Do not cut, bury, or tuck into lids/knuckles, etc.
- Set Up secured network(s) in the app. These block those without permission from accessing the bt system, and separate fixtures. Range extenders are assigned to a single specific secure network.
- Review operation with the property owner. Test from common control points: indoors, outdoor seating areas, building entrances, garages.